The Power of Words in Marketing - Top 20 Essentials for 2024

"The Power of Words in Marketing - Top 20 Essentials for 2024"

Brian Lv12

The Power of Words in Marketing - Top 20 Essentials

If you’re not sure how to write your next marketing message, look no further. We’ve compiled a list of words and phrases that work magic in the world of advertising. You can use these words and phrases to create an effective marketing message—and increase your chances of turning first-time customers into repeat buyers.

marketing phrase

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1. Actionable

If a word or phrase is actionable, it means that there are steps that can be taken to make it happen. For example, if you were to say “call now!”, this would not be actionable. It’s just a suggestion, or perhaps even a joke. However, if you were to say “The best way to get started with our service is by calling us at 1-800-GO-GLOVES” then this would be an actionable statement because there are specific steps involved in getting started (calling the number) and they lead directly into using the product (getting gloves).

2. Free

Free is a powerful word. Free is a word that people love to hear!

Think about it: if you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve already seen the word “free” in bold print at least once. The reason? Our brains love it so much that they don’t want us to miss anything related to free stuff!

If you’re thinking about how much more effective your marketing strategy could be if only there were some ways for people to immediately know how much value your product gives them and how quickly they can benefit from using it… well, now’s your chance!

3. Limited

While it’s important to be careful not to use this word too much, you can still use it to highlight a special offer or encourage people to take action. For example: “Limited time offer.”

You may also want to consider using the phrase “Only X left!” This type of language is often used when selling products online, as it gives shoppers an idea of how many items are left and encourages them to buy quickly before they run out.

4. Amazing

Amazing is an adjective that can be used to describe something that is simply remarkable. The word itself conjures up feelings of awe, wonder, and surprise. If you want to convey those sentiments in your marketing, this is the word for you!

Here are a few ideas:

  • Use it when talking about a product or service that’s so amazing it will blow away your customers’ expectations
  • Use it when talking about how amazed someone will be by something amazing
  • Use it as part of an ad headline that promises what sounds like an almost impossible feat

5. Bestseller

Bestseller. It’s the word that gets your pulse racing when you’re browsing through a bookstore, and it can make or break a book’s success. But what does “bestselling” mean?

Bestseller lists are often manipulated by publishers, who can get more favorable reviews from influential writers if they promise them higher placement on the list (or even pay for their review). And these days, there’s also serious debate about whether bestsellers truly represent what people actually want to read.

The reality is that bestsellers are subjective—their popularity depends on their category and how many copies they’ve sold in comparison to other books in that category or genre. That said, there are certain words and phrases that will make anyone sound like an authority on the subject at hand.

6. Boost

Boost is a 2-word phrase that can help you make all kinds of marketing magic happen:

  • Boost sales. Use it when you want to get people buying from your store, signing up for a webinar or other product offering, or subscribing to your newsletter.
  • Boost engagement. Use it when you want to get people engaging with your brand on social media and make more comments on blog posts and forum discussions.
  • Boost conversions—that is, the number of visitors who take action after seeing or reading something about your business (such as clicking through from an ad). Boost conversions by using this word in ads and landing pages.
  • Boost traffic—that is, the number of visitors coming to your site through search engines like Google or Bing; paid advertising (on Facebook or elsewhere); organic natural search results; email campaigns; etcetera!

7. Breakthrough

  • Breakthroughs are important to marketing.
  • Breakthroughs are important to customers.
  • Breakthroughs are important to the world.
  • Breakthroughs are important to your business.
  • Breakthroughs are important to your marketing and your customers too!

8. Complete

  • Complete
  • To finish something (complete a task, to complete the work, etc.)
  • To do something completely (to complete your studies)
  • To do something in a way that is not lacking or incomplete.

9. Comprehensive

A guide is a great way to help your readers understand the ins and outs of a topic, especially if you’re covering something that might have a lot of moving parts.

A review can be useful for new products or services, but it’s also helpful for existing products, like those that have recently been revamped. It helps people decide whether they want to buy the product now or wait until later when there are more reviews available.

A solution is just what it sounds like: a solution for whatever problem your audience may face with their business. If you can offer this type of solution consistently across all areas of your marketing strategy (and beyond), then you’ll build trust with your readers as an expert who understands their needs and wants to help them succeed with whatever goals they’ve set out for themselves!

10. Cutting-Edge

What is cutting-edge? The term “cutting edge” refers to something new and innovative. It can be used as a noun or an adjective, and it typically implies that the advertised product or service has been designed with the latest technology in mind. What does this mean for you? When you use this word in your marketing copy, it’ll show potential customers that you’re on top of what’s trending. You’ll also give them confidence that your company knows what it’s doing when it comes to providing quality products/services at competitive prices—and maybe even provide some reassurance if they’re worried about being scammed by shady businesses!

When should I use cutting-edge?

There are many occasions when inserting “cutting-edge” into your marketing materials will benefit you enormously:

  • When describing a product or service and its benefits (e.g., “We’ve put our clients’ needs first by developing cutting-edge solutions.”)
  • As part of a call-to-action (CTA) towards people who want something different—either because they want something new or because they’re bored with their current situation (e.g., “Call us today if you’re ready for a change!”).

11. Danger

This is a powerful word and one you can use in your marketing to describe any product, situation, or person.

Although it might sound like a simple idea at first glance, danger is actually a word that encompasses all manner of things: danger can be used to describe a product (e.g., this car is dangerous) or a situation (e.g., walking home late at night is dangerous). Danger also has an emotional charge; it evokes feelings of fear and excitement in equal measure — which makes it perfect for describing people who make us feel those emotions! You could say “dangerous” about anyone from someone who likes taking risks to the guy who works out every day at the gym. It’s not just something he does—it’s his identity!

12. Effective

You can use this word to describe the results of your product or service. This is a short, sweet, and simple way to tell people what they’ll get from using your product or service. It’s also easy to understand, which makes it an effective marketing strategy. Effective is also a positive word that doesn’t include any negative connotations.

13. Exclusive

Exclusive is a word that can be used to describe a product or service. It can also be used to appeal to your target audience, which is why it’s effective in marketing. For example, if you’re marketing a luxury car, the word “exclusive” will make people think of exclusivity and luxury. Exclusive means that something has been restricted or kept to only certain people or places; it’s something that not everyone has access to, so exclusive items are perceived as being more valuable than average ones.

It’s important for businesses trying to sell products online because using this word shows how much value they put into their products and services (and how much money they think customers will spend on them).

14. Faster

Speed is a well-known concept in the marketing world. It’s often associated with companies that move quickly, and it’s often used to describe how quickly a product or service can be produced.

However, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves what speed really means. Speed isn’t just about moving fast; it’s also about making decisions rapidly, processing work quickly and efficiently, getting results fast, and implementing changes swiftly and creatively—in fact, it could be said that speed is one of the most important assets in business today.

15. Fantastic

Fantastic is a strong word. It should be used sparingly because it can make your customers feel like they are being compared to people who don’t have such fabulous products or services.

Fantastic work best when describing products or services that really are fantastic, so don’t use it lightly!

16. Free Trial Period

A free trial period is a valuable tool for your business. It gives you the opportunity to show off your product or service and help customers get a feel for how they’ll benefit from using it. The best part? You don’t have to spend any money because people are willing to try something new without paying anything upfront.

This strategy works well when you offer a risk-free opportunity for customers who might not be ready yet to buy your product or service right away but still want some time with it before committing themselves financially. People will often look at prices first, so if there are no costs associated with trying out the service before making a purchase decision, this may encourage them to take advantage of offering their free trial periods as well!

17. Guaranteed Results

Guaranteed results are powerful because they solve a problem for your customers and give them confidence in their decision to purchase. The guarantee should be specific, such as “100% Satisfaction Guarantee,” “Money Back Guarantee,” or “60-Day Money Back Guarantee.”

Your guarantee should be easy to understand and use. It’s also important that it includes the steps required to receive a refund or exchange if you don’t like what you’ve purchased. If this doesn’t make sense, ask yourself how your customers will feel when trying to take advantage of their guarantee. If there is any ambiguity or confusion about how to take advantage of their guarantee, then it needs revision or removal altogether.

18. How-To Guide

How-to guides have been around as long as there have been things to learn. They’re also a great way to keep people coming back to your site because you can use them to help customers solve problems and answer questions.

When it comes down to it, how-to guides are extremely popular because they’re so easy for users to digest—and even easier for marketers and content creators like you! Let’s say you want to create a guide about how to make the perfect cup of coffee; all you need is some good research skills and some writing chops (or at least access to someone who has both).

How-to guides are also great for SEO purposes: when people search for relevant keywords or topics on Google or another search engine, they’ll likely be looking for solutions or answers that align with their needs—which means there’s an opportunity there for brands willing and ready enough.

19. Increased Revenue

You can use the increased revenue to describe the benefits of your product or service. For example, if you’re selling a weight loss program, and your clients are losing 2 pounds per week, that’s a 20% increase in their weight loss over what they were doing before.

  • Measure how much money you make on each sale. If it’s just $20 bucks per sale, then that means there’s room for growth! You’ve got some increasing to do!
  • Use terms like “increased revenue” or “revenue” when talking about sales numbers and other financial metrics at work. Your boss will be impressed by your ability - as long as he doesn’t know what those words mean!

20. Incredible

This word is perfect to describe something that’s so hard to believe it’s almost unbelievable. You know, like when your mom asks you if you need money and you respond with “Incredibly!” Or when someone says they want to go on vacation with you, but they don’t know where or when yet. Incredibly!

You can also use it to describe something amazing. For example: “That was an incredible performance!”


Now that you have the best marketing words and phrases in your vocabulary, it’s time to use them! They are easy to integrate into your content as long as you keep them simple and don’t overdo it. The key is not just using these words once or twice but rather consistently throughout an entire blog post or piece of writing so that readers can really see how well they fit together with each other in a “Professional”, and “Friendly” tone.

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  • Title: The Power of Words in Marketing - Top 20 Essentials for 2024
  • Author: Brian
  • Created at : 2024-10-13 19:38:50
  • Updated at : 2024-10-20 16:18:54
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  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.